Thrifted Styled for You

Guest Blog: Organizing Your Kid's Clothes

May 17, 2024

Written by: Amanda Diehl with HayKayHome

I think we can all agree that buying clothes for your kids is one of the most fun and addicting things you can do! The not so fun part is the laundry, the storing of said clothes and accessories, and the overwhelming feeling that comes when that one spring dress you couldn’t pass up here and the precious winter coat over there becomes piles and piles of stuff. So many clothes, so many things, so little storage and you don’t even know where to begin!  

Before you begin to get organized, you’ll need to slim down your selection (or your child’s selection!) I know this sounds scary because you love every single item you bought- and of course, the memories that come with the clothes- but trust me, getting rid of clothes will help you create a stress-free home and, more than that, a stress-free morning getting the littles dressed! 

To begin, take ALL of your clothes out. Yes. ALL of them. This is the most important part of the organizing process and often the most daunting- it’s mentally challenging and so time consuming (especially for moms). (This is your first sign to hire a professional organizer- we handle it all for you!) Next, make three piles; Keep, Donate, Trash. Item by item, sort until you can’t sort any more! Now.. the fun part- ORGANIZING! You want to take a step back and evaluate your space- As you begin placing items back into your closet, ask yourself these things: What do I want hanging? What do I want folded? Do I have things I want my child to be able to reach? 

Before you start organizing, here are some tips from a Professional Organizer:


- Every kid’s closet should have at least 3 bins (too big, too small, keepsakes)

- Use adjustable dividers in your drawers and label things to keep them tidy


-When you are folding laundry and putting clothes away, invite your kids in! Teach them how to sort, how to fold, and how to take ownership of their things. This will be one of your best tools as a mom desiring an organized space for your family! 

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